** Download the fillable form PDF **
Single Sign-on with SAML Customer Requirements: When you are ready to proceed with SAML authentication, please contact Vault Customer Support at support@vault.com. They will provide you with the URL needed in step 3 below if your Customer Success Manager did not already provide URL details. Once you have completed all the steps and required information listed, please return completed form to support@vault.com.
1. Is your Vault platform in active use? Yes No
2. URL for SAML2 IdP metadata: _____________________________________________
3. Ingest the metadata records for your platform based on the below and check once complete:
• {yourplatform}.vault.com/account/sso/metadata
4. Please provide more information about mapping for your data. The Vault platform can prepopulate the following user data during SSO. Please let us know what attribute name to expect for the below attributes:
• First Name ______________________
• Last Name ______________________
• Email Address ______________________
• Unique ID (username, SAML ID, email) ______________________
• A single degree name (“PhD”) OPTIONAL ______________________
• A single field of study (“Computer Science”) OPTIONAL ____________________
• Graduation Year OPTIONAL ______________________
5. Provide test credentials if possible.
• Username: ______________________ Password: ______________________